If you didn’t come to us from the beginning, it is not a problem. After having met each other, the first thing we are going to do is to analyze the current state of your account. We will tell you what you have to do to increase your performance. Then, the ALGORITM team will work in order to remedy the errors found and to make all the settings correct. After the first month, you will already start to feel the sales growing.
Analysis: account state, indicators, campaigns, products, couriers costs, results, returns etc.
Remedies: we fix problems fast so that you may start enjoying the results

Step 1: We analyze and remedy errors
If you didn’t come to us from the beginning, it is not a problem. After having met each other, the first thing we are going to do is to analyze the current state of your account. We will tell you what you have to do to increase your performance. Then, the ALGORITM team will work in order to remedy the errors found and to make all the settings correct. After the first month, you will already start to feel the sales growing.
Analysis: account state, indicators, campaigns, products, couriers costs, results, returns etc.
Remedies: we fix problems fast so that you may start enjoying the results
Step 2: We implement campaigns, we work on the products, we fight for the buy-button
Our team will implement the strategy you need in order to perform. We calculate, anticipate and inform you of what we will do.
Campaigns: we activate all the campaigns suiting you – the participation in eMAG campaigns (Black Friday etc.) label campaigns, promo pack, bundle pack, gift, eMAG Ads, etc.
Buy Button: we follow and fight to win the button, but not through price necessarily. We look for the most appropriate options and inform you about the best approach.
Products: we make families of products, add right filters, remedy the titles; we recommend you new products that you should consider.
Step 3: We and our partners are your team!
We have already been collaborating with many sellers for long periods of time. We are happy to see sellers which only after a year of collaboration with ALGORITM constantly improve their performance by expanding the products portfolio, adding new services, increasing rating and expanding on new markets. After building, it is time to develop more. With ALGORITM, you have a team at your service and partners to help you grow. From now on, we are talking about expansion and other strategy and development services for your business, which ALGORIM may offer you through partners or through the IGNITE AD agency, which is part of the group.